Saturday, June 20, 2009



You’re in college already!

Your first few days in college are characterized by feeling of both excitement and worry. You are excited to see and experience by yourself what others are telling you about it. At the same time, you probably worry about how it is to live a life in collage world.

Who among you felt tensed when you took the entrance test? Can you still recall the feeling when the admission officer confirmed your admission at MCL? When you saw MCL for the first time during campus tour, didn’t you find yourself saying “Wow ang ganda naman dito”, “Wow ang laki naman ng MCL”, “Dito ako magka-college”.

Enrolment in College just like at MCL could be something new to you also. Might be, your parents often times did it for you, or they used to accompany you all throughout the process. Perhaps you were caught unaware that you’ll be doing it by yourself here at MCL, that you and your parents will have to separate ways: (they have to stay at the parents’ waiting area while you’re enrolling). You probably felt worried and unsure if you can do it but in the end, you reaped the good feeling of accomplishing something by yourself. Then, came the orientation day, how many of you feel excited meeting new faces? How many of you felt shy, tensed and worried being with the company of strangers. Perhaps, the orientation also helped you know MCL much deeper. What about during the first day of class, how many of you have easily established friendship and connections with other students? Who among you felt insecure, unsure, uncomfortable, tensed and felt like going home already?

All the feelings of excitement, worry, fear, insecurity, tension and uncertainty are natural feelings commonly experienced by freshman college student like you. There is nothing wrong feeling that way. Commonly, freshmen student in college will pass through this stage called “adjustment period”. It is period of adapting yourself into a new environment, getting to know new acquaintances, and learning a new system. Adjustment period may last for few months. If in case you find difficulty adjusting to college, don’t hesitate to ask for help. You may share you concern with your family, with your trusted friends and teachers. And of course, The Center for Student Development, an office dedicated for the service of the students, will always make time to serve you.

Welcome to College life, Welcome to Malayan Colleges Laguna!

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