Saturday, June 20, 2009


Nature and Importance of Values Education

Values Education as a part of the school curriculum is the process by which values are formed in the learner under the guidance of the teacher and as he interacts with this environment.

Values have a social function: commonly held values unite families, tribes, societies, and nations. They are essential to the democratic way of life, which puts a high premium on freedom and the rule of law. That is why, shortly after the Revolution of February 1986, the DECS made values education a primary thrust.

Similarly, the DECS thrust found strong support in the Philippine Constitution of 1987 in its vision of "a just and humane society," which calls for a shared culture and commonly held values such as "truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace." (Preamble)
In the pursuit of this thrust, the DECS has embarked on a Values Education Program with the following goal and objectives:

To provide and promote values education at all three levels of the educational system for the development of the human person committed to the building of " a just and humane society" and an independent and democratic nation.

Proper implementation of the program will develop Filipinos who:
are self-actualized, integrally developed human beings imbued with a sense of human dignity;
are social beings with a sense of responsibility for their community and environment;
are productive persons who contribute to the economic security and development of the family and the nation; as citizens have a deep sense of nationalism and are committed to the progress of the nation as well as of the entire world community through global solidarity; and
manifest in actual life an abiding faith in God as a reflection of their spiritual being.

Reference: Values Education for the Filipino

1997 Revised Version of the DECS Values Education ProgramUNESCO National Commission of the PhilippinesEducation Committee Project

Center for Student Development

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